
CCC Close out Consumer Conference

CARICOM Competition Commission and Commonwealth Conference on Enforcement Practices and Emerging Trends in Consumer Protection

The CARICOM Competition Commission (CCC) is pleased to announce a closing conference to its Online Consumer Protection Course for consumer protection officials and competition officials in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), to be held virtually on 15th June 2023, at 11am ECT or 4pm UK.

The conference will feature expert speakers on Enforcement and Redress – Jason Freeman, UK Competition and Markets Authority, Sasha Gaye-Russell, Jamaica Consumer Affairs Commission, and include an overview of new proposals by the CARICOM Secretariat’s Ms. Cecila Melville for financial consumer protection. CCC’s Mr. Rommell Hippolyte will introduce the segment with a look at assessment tools for consumer detriment.

Emerging Trends in the Digital Economy for consumer protection will be the main focus of the session with Professor Dr. Archana Gulati presenting on developments in India; Dr. Iris Benöhr of Queen Mary University on consumer credit and debt in the UK and EU; and Ms. Vashti Maharaj of the Commonwealth speaking to consumer issues in data protection and cybersecurity. CCC’s Ms. Nievia Ramsundar will support the segment with an overview of key legislative issues for protection of the digital consumer.

To view the entire press release, please click here